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Forum » Beauty&Health » Hair Care » Dull, Dry, Brittle and Breaking Hair (Causes, treatments, recommendations)
Dull, Dry, Brittle and Breaking Hair
IlayaDate: Wednesday, 11 May 2011, 14:54 | Message # 1
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This is the most common problem women are facing nowadays. What are the reasons and treatments? You are welcome to join the discussion and share with us your methods and experience... smile

"We have about 100,000 hairs on our heads. Each hair shaft has three layers, with the cuticle, or outside layer, protecting the two inner layers.

Shiny hair is a sign of health because the layers of the cuticle lie flat and reflect light. When the scales of the cuticle lie flat they overlap tightly, so the inner layers are well protected from heat, sun, chlorine, and all the other hazards that can come from living in our environment. When hair is damaged, though, the scales may separate and hair can become dry. Because the scales on dry hair don't protect the inner two layers as well, hair can break and look dull.
The type of hair a person has — whether it's straight or curly — can also affect how shiny it is. Sebum, which is the natural oil on the hair, covers straight hair better than curly hair, which is why straight hair can appear shinier.

Depending how long a person's hair is or how fast it grows, the end of each hair shaft can be a couple of years old. So the hair at the end of the shaft could have survived a few summers of scorching sun and saltwater and winters of cold, dry air. How well you care for your hair from the time it emerges from the root plays a role in how healthy it looks."


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Kahlil Gibran: "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." ... Ilaya: "So Shine to make this World brighter..."
IlayaDate: Wednesday, 11 May 2011, 15:01 | Message # 2
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umnik Reasons:

"Dry, brittle hair appears dull and lifeless. Breakage occurs frequently, and hair issues such as split ends, frizz and damage are common. While you may be the cause of your brittle hair, many medical conditions can also be at fault. Therefore, rule out medical causes before you assume that your hair changes are a direct result of your cosmetic routine.

Diseases/Disorders lists 61 causes for dry, brittle hair, the majority of which are medical. Diseases and disorders such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Graves' disease, eating disorders and hair disorders cause dry, brittle hair. The body's thyroid function is the major medical cause. Additionally, many medicines can cause dry, brittle hair as a side effect.


Nutritional deficiencies caused by eating disorders, illness and poor eating habits greatly affect hair. Protein is used in the replacement of skin and hair cells so diets poor in protein have a negative impact on the health of the hair. Those who do not or cannot eat and digest protein notice a change in their hair very quickly. In just a few days after a major diet change, new growth appears thinner and more brittle.

Hair that has been severely damaged by chemicals appears dry and brittle. Chemical processes include any salon service that permanently alters hair including perms, relaxers, color and lighteners. While hair is usually strong enough to withstand several chemical applications, severe damage can result from a stylist error, back-to-back or repeated applications and any pre-existing condition that weakens the hair. You can avoid damage with a consultation before chemical services.

Genetics also play a role in hair health. Not only do genetics determine your hair color, they also determine thickness, texture and strength of your hair. Several inherited diseases and disorders affect hair growth as well, including the rare trichothiodystrophy syndromes. According to the "Journal of Medical Genetics", these disorders are identified by the absence of hair sulphur, which causes the hair to become brittle."



"Hair can break when points in the hair thicken or weaken. Sometimes this happens near the scalp so a person's hair never grows very long. When hairs break at the ends, they're called "split ends," and the splits can travel up the hair shaft.
A major cause of hair breakage is improper use of chemical hair treatments, like the treatments described above. But brushing or combing hair too frequently or in the wrong way (such as using a fine-toothed comb on very thick, curly hair or teasing hair) can lead to breakage. Hair extensions and braids can also cause breakage. Leaving them in too long or pulling them out without professional help can cause hair and scalp damage or even hair loss.
Sometimes hair breakage and dry, brittle hair are signs of a medical problem, such as hypothyroidism or an eating disorder. If your hair is breaking even though you don't treat it with chemicals or other styling products, see a doctor."


Kahlil Gibran: "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." ... Ilaya: "So Shine to make this World brighter..."
IlayaDate: Wednesday, 11 May 2011, 15:21 | Message # 3
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"Your activity level and interests.
Do you play sports or spend a lot of time at the beach? These kinds of things can affect your hair. For example, if you're an athlete with oily hair, you may want to wash your hair after working up a sweat during practice and games. But if you're a lifeguard or a swimmer, sun and saltwater (or the chlorine in pool water) can dry your hair out, no matter what your hair type. If you're exposed to sun, wind, or other elements, you may want to use a shampoo designed for dry hair or use a conditioner. It's also a good idea to wear a hat to protect your hair when you're outdoors.

Your hairstyle.
Heat styling products like curling and straightening irons can dry out even oily hair if they're used too much. Follow the instructions carefully, and don't use them on wet hair or high settings, and give your hair a vacation from styling once in a while. Ask your hair stylist or dermatologist for advice on using heat styling products.

Chemical treatments can also harm hair if they're not used properly. If you decide you want a chemical treatment to colour, straighten, or curl your hair, it's best to trust the job to professionals. Stylists who are trained in applying chemicals to hair will be able to evaluate your hair type and decide which chemicals will work best for you.
Here are some things to be aware of when getting chemical treatments:

Relaxers. Relaxers (straighteners) work by breaking chemical bonds in curly hair. Relaxers containing lye can cause skin irritation and hair breakage. Although "no lye" relaxers may cause less irritation, both types of relaxers can cause problems if they are used in the wrong way (for example, if they're mixed incorrectly or left on the hair for too long). Scratching, brushing, or combing your hair right before a chemical relaxing treatment can increase these risks. And don't use relaxers — or any hair treatment — if your scalp is irritated.
If you decide to keep straightening your hair, you'll need to wait at least 6 weeks before your next treatment to protect your hair. Relaxers can cause hair breakage when used over a period of time, even when they're used properly. Using blow-dryers, curling or straightening irons, or colour on chemically relaxed hair can also increase the risk of damage.

Perms. Perms take straight hair and make it curly. The risks are similar to those associated with relaxers.

Colour. There are two types of colour: permanent (which means the colour stays in your hair until it grows out) and semi-permanent (the colour washes out after a while). Some semi-permanent colouring treatments, like henna, are fairly safe and easy to use at home. Some people get a condition called contact dermatitis (an allergic reaction with a rash) from henna and other "natural" products, so be sure to test a small area first.
Other colour treatments — especially permanent treatments — can cause hair loss, burning, redness, and irritation. A few types of colouring treatments can cause allergic reactions in certain people, and in rare cases these can be very serious. So talk to your stylist if you are worried that you may be sensitive to the products. Also, talk to your stylist about doing a patch test before using a product. And never use hair dyes on your eyelashes or eyebrows."


Kahlil Gibran: "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." ... Ilaya: "So Shine to make this World brighter..."
IlayaDate: Wednesday, 11 May 2011, 15:24 | Message # 4
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wizard Tips and treatments:

"Step 1
Condition regularly. You should condition after every shampoo, and, at least once a week, use a deep conditioning treatment to improve dry, brittle hair. According to Free Beauty Tips, consider a hot oil treatment; this works by softening your hair cuticle and locking in moisture by creating a sealant with the oil. Conditioning oil treatments can be purchased at your local drugstore.

Step 2
Avoid over-washing your hair. Try to limit shampooing to twice a week, and rinse hair with water in between to improve damaged hair. According to, shampoo strips the natural oils in your hair. Use a moisturizing shampoo that is targeted to dry or damaged hair. If you can afford it, spring for salon quality shampoo; these brands tend to contain less damaging ingredients.

Step 3
Air-dry your hair when possible. Heat from the blow dryer will further damage dry, brittle hair. Absorb excess moisture from your hair when you get out of the bath or shower with an absorbent dry towel. Avoid vigorously rubbing the towel over your head as this can break off already brittle hairs. If you must use a dryer, set it to the coolest temperature setting possible and aim the air down the hair shaft. According to Salon Web, avoid drying hair completely each time; leave a little moisture to dry naturally.

Step 4
Avoid further damage. In order for your dry, brittle hair to improve, you need to avoid doing any additional damage. Try to limit use of styling tools that use heat, or use them at their lowest settings. Also, get your split ends trimmed about every six weeks to stimulate new, healthy hair growth. Finally, drink plenty of water and strive for the proper servings of fruit and vegetables each day to ensure you're getting the vitamins and minerals you need. The healthier you are, the quicker your hair can be restored.

Step 5
Eat a healthy well balanced diet to help your hair to get and stay healthy. Incorporate fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats and cut back on processed foods that lack vitamins and nutrients. Drink plenty of water to help your entire body stay hydrated, which will in turn help to keep your hair from drying out.

Step 6
Protect your hair from harsh weather conditions such as cold dry winter winds and hot summer sunshine. Wear hats and scarves over your head if you plan to spend time outside. Look for styling products that contain sunscreen if you have to be outdoors in the summer sun."


Kahlil Gibran: "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." ... Ilaya: "So Shine to make this World brighter..."
IlayaDate: Wednesday, 11 May 2011, 16:50 | Message # 5
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Status: Offline about dry, damaged and brittle hair:
"The sun and humidity is the worst enemy of your hair's cuticles, causing damage that results in split ends, dry hair, frizzy hair or brittle hair.
In healthy conditions, hair’s moisture content is approximately 10%, but sunlight has the same damaging effect as a hot blow dryer on your hair.

Restoration Tips for Frizzy Dry and Brittle Hair

Summer is approaching, time to wear short hairstyles and pay special attention to your hair care, because the sun and humidity is the worst enemy of your hair's cuticles, causing damage that results in split ends, dry hair, frizzy hair or brittle hair. In healthy conditions, hair’s moisture content is approximately 10%, but sunlight has the same damaging effect as a hot blow dryer on your hair.
Dry hair is typically the symptom of either environmental exposure or lack of adequate sebum (hair oil) production. Sebum is secreted from sebaceous glands associated with follicle pores. Overactive or underactive production can cause oily or dry scalp, respectively. Warm, humid weather often excites sebaceous glands and increases hair oil. Colder temperatures and low humidity slow sebum production; combined with increased wind and decreased humidity in offices or homes, hair can become excessively dry.

90% of us suffer with dry brittle or frizzy hair because our hair is deficient of (moisture) WATER!
There is a certain preconceived notion that has been passed on from generation to generation. That is the idea that our hair is dry, because we are lacking in natural oils. We are told that if we nurture our hair by brushing vigorously 100 times a day, with an all-natural bristle brush, or if we pamper our hair with hot oil treatments or smother out hair with cholesterols. If we do all of these things, then we are sure to be blessed with beautiful, shiny and healthy locks. This might be the case, if you have young virgin hair. However, most of use has already abused our locks to a certain extend.

Wavy Hair
Those of us with naturally curly, wavy or frizzy hair, or those of us who chemically treat our hair. Will need to give our hair extra nurturing by supplying our hair with the necessary nutrition and moisture that it needs.

Chemical treatments (I.e. perms, hair dyes or bleaches.), will deplete the hair of moisture. bringing the hair moisture level own to as low as 2%. When this occurs you will start to notice split ends. If these are not repaired forthwith and the moisture level not restored to 8%, Your split ends will turn to breakage. This obviously needs to be avoided at all costs.

Those of us who live in hot, sunny or arid climates; need to make sure that our hair care product contain sunscreens to protect our hair from the damaging affects of the UV rays. Always try to get a sunscreen with the highest SPF levels.

Moisturizing Your Hair

To make dry hair silky and manageable, add six drops each of lavender, bay and sandalwood essential oils to six ounces of warm sesame or soy oil, suggest Greenwich, Connecticut, aromatherapist Judith Jackson. To apply the oil, says Jackson, part your hair into one-inch sections and apply the mixture to the scalp with a wad of cotton. Wrap your head in a towel and let the oils penetrate for about 15 minutes, then shampoo twice, she says. Alternatively, you can use flax seed oil which is also an excellent moisturizer.

Hair Treatment for Dry Hair
Dry, weak and brittle hair are prone to breaking and require a conditioner for breaking hair developed to repair protein structure and infuse moisture. Sun-damage, hair coloring, chemical treatments like straightening, relaxing and perms, and heat-damage from styling, deplete hair of moisture and break vital elastic protein cellular connectivity.
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Kahlil Gibran: "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." ... Ilaya: "So Shine to make this World brighter..."
IlayaDate: Wednesday, 11 May 2011, 16:51 | Message # 6
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---> .... Argan Oil is a naturally-derived oil from the Argan plant indigenous to Morocco. It has been "discovered" as one of the best hair treatments available for its natural ability to infuse moisture, is absorbed quickly and adds instant shine. Several brands - "Morrocan Oil", "Marrakesh Oil" - provide 100% pure Argan oil, but we have seen improved results (and customer feedback) with formulations that include Hemp Seed Extract and Dimethicone. Argan Oil provides nourishing benefits, reduces frizz, and helps protect from heat damage while styling.

Use conditioning products before using heated styling tools. "A gel or mousse alone isn't enough to protect the hair," he says. "If you normally use a gel before blow-drying, apply a repair cream, heat-protecting cream or leave-in conditioner first." Use it sparingly, especially on the ends, but don't forget it. "You don't want to make your hair heavy or gunky," he says, "but more importantly, you don't want hot rollers applied directly to the ends of your unprotected hair."

Jojoba Oil is also naturally-derived, developed from a shrub indigenous to the western U.S. Jojoba Oil mimics sebum in its properties and is used to enrich hair products for increased cleansing and moisturizing strength. Though considered most useful as an added cleanser in tis pure form, it is also helpful for fighting dryness by increasing hydration.

Emu Oil - Used for thousands of years by the Australians, Emu Oil is a deep penetrating, natural moisturizer. It is found commonly in the best shampoos and conditioners, but it can be used alone or with Vitamin E additives as a hair treatment. It is an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial and is often used to treat scalp psoriasis, eczema, irritation and inflammation.

Rice protein and corn protein are two of the most effective protein active ingredients because they target different objectives. Rice protein is capable of penetrating the shaft and supplements the bulb and root by strengthening and aiding to rebuild damaged hair. Corn protein focuses on protection and adds shine and smoothness to the follicle. Each have different molecular weights and different jobs.
Brittle hair can be improved by avoiding the use of shampoos that contain alkaline or alcohol. It is also best that you protect your tresses from excessive heat especially exposure under strong sunlight because this can dry your hair and make it even more brittle.

Regular trimming is the best way to get rid of split ends. Aside from that, it is necessary to use a leave-in conditioner frequently and deep conditioner at least once a week to keep your hair healthy and moisturized.

When swimming, protect your hair from chlorine from swimming pools by wearing a swimming cap. Do not forget to rinse before and after going into a pool to minimize absorption of chlorine in your hair.

Eating For Great Hair
Lastly, consider what goes on with the rest of your body. Many times dry hair indicates a poor diet or even mild dehydration.

Always drink plenty of water.

Eat a balanced diet of good proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Consider vitamin and mineral supplements. Vitamins A, C, E, and calcium are all good for treating dry hair.

The state of our hair depends very much on our overall health. Treat out bodies right and you will be rewarded with stunning hair."

Kahlil Gibran: "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart." ... Ilaya: "So Shine to make this World brighter..."
loatoetamalDate: Monday, 11 November 2013, 07:11 | Message # 7
Group: Guests

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Added (11 November 2013, 07:11)
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KeveAdvadiaDate: Sunday, 17 November 2013, 10:35 | Message # 8
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KeveAdvadiaDate: Monday, 18 November 2013, 14:11 | Message # 9
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Added (18 November 2013, 13:50)
<a href="">クリスチャンディオール 口紅</a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href="イヴサンローラン-hotsale-16.html">イヴサンローラン レディース</a> | <a href="エスケーツー-hotsale-3.html">SK-2 化粧水</a> | <a href="シュウウエムラ-hotsale-17.html">シュウウエムラ ブラシセット</a> | <a href="アールエムケー-hotsale-2.html">アールエムケー 洗顔</a> | <a href="マック-hotsale-11.html">マック 値段</a> | <a href="’occitane-ロクシタン-hotsale-14.html">ロクシタン ボディクリーム</a> | <a href="ルナソル-hotsale-10.html">ルナソル ベルベットフルアイズ</a> | <a href="ランコム-hotsale-13.html">ランコム 美容液</a> | <a href="コーセー-hotsale-6.html">コーセー bbクリーム 雪肌精</a> | <a href="カネボウ-hotsale-15.html">カネボウ 化粧水</a> | <a href="ヘレナ-ルビンスタイン-hotsale-4.html">ヘレナルビンスタイン パウダー ファンデーション</a> | <a href="ゲラン-hotsale-12.html">ゲラン 口紅</a> | <a href="クリスチャンディオール-hotsale-9.html">クリスチャンディオール 口紅</a> | <a href="コスメデコルテ-hotsale-5.html">コスメデコルテ 化粧水</a> | <a href="クリニーク-hotsale-8.html">クリニーク 口紅</a> | <a href="クラランス-hotsale-7.html">クラランス クリーム</a> | <a href="ボビイブラウン-hotsale-18.html">ボビイブラウン シマーブリック</a> |

Added (18 November 2013, 13:54)
<a href="">kitson 腕時計 店舗</a>| <a href=""></a>| <a href="アディダス腕時計-tokei-4.html">adidas 腕時計 新作</a>| <a href="カシオ腕時計-tokei-10.html">casio</a>| <a href="カバンドズッカ腕時計-tokei-6.html">ズッカ 時計</a>| <a href="カルバンクラインck腕時計-tokei-7.html">時計 カルバンクライン</a>| <a href="ガガミラノ腕時計-tokei-5.html">ガガミラノ腕時計メンズ</a>| <a href="キットソン腕時計-tokei-8.html">キットソン 木製腕時計</a>| <a href="グッチ腕時計-tokei-9.html">グッチの時計</a>|
<a href="">シャネル 時計 コピー</a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href="腕時計-watch-25.html">CASIO 時計 レディース</a> | <a href="セイコー逆輸入)腕時計-watch-24.html">セイコー逆輸入時計屋本舗</a> | <a href="サルバトーレマーラ)時計-watch-23.html">サルバトーレマーラ 時計 レディース</a> | <a href="シチズン逆輸入)腕時計-watch-22.html">シチズン逆輸入腕時計新作</a> | <a href="アンクラーク)時計-watch-21.html">時計 アンクラーク 店舗</a> | <a href="アレサンドラ・オーラ)腕時計-watch-20.html">アレサンドラ・オーラ 時計評価</a> | <a href="ロレックス-腕時計-watch-19.html">ロレックス 腕時計 激安</a> | <a href="ブルガリ-時計-watch-18.html">ブルガリ 時計 オーバーホール</a> | <a href="フランクミュラー-腕時計-watch-17.html">フランクミュラー 腕時計 メンズ</a> | <a href="ブライトリング-時計-watch-16.html">ブライトリング 時計 ベントレー</a> | <a href="パネライ-腕時計-watch-15.html">有名人 腕時計 パネライ</a> | <a href="パテックフィリップ-時計-watch-14.html">パテックフィリップ 時計 レディース</a> | <a href="シャネル-時計-watch-12.html">シャネル 時計 激安</a> | <a href="カルティエ-腕時計-watch-11.html">腕時計カルティエ 男性</a> | <a href="オメガ-時計-watch-10.html">オメガ レディース 時計</a> | <a href="オーデマピゲ-腕時計-watch-9.html">ピゲ 時計</a> | <a href="時計-watch-8.html">IWC 時計 ダヴィンチ</a> |

Added (18 November 2013, 14:11)
<a href="">タイメックス 腕時計</a> | <a href="">qile518</a> | <a href="カシオ-腕時計-casio-time-1.html">カシオ 電波腕時計</a> | <a href="アイスウォッチ-ice-watch-time-2.html">アイスウォッチ 腕時計</a> | <a href="リトモラティーノ-腕時計-ritmo-latino-time-3.html">リトモラティーノ 腕時計</a> | <a href="テンデンス-腕時計-tendence-time-4.html">超特価テンデンス時計</a> | <a href="ディーゼル-腕時計-diesel-time-16.html">DIESEL 時計 アウトレット</a> | <a href="ハミルトン-腕時計-hamilton-time-5.html">ジャズマスタートラベラーGMT希少</a> | <a href="シチズン-腕時計-citizen-time-6.html">ソーラー電波メンズウォッチCITIZEN</a> | <a href="スカーゲン-腕時計-skagen-time-7.html">スカーゲン 薄型レディ-ス腕時計</a> | <a href="スウォッチ-swatch-time-8.html">スウォッチ レディース 腕時計 PINK ピンク</a> | <a href="スント-腕時計-suunto-time-9.html">スント コア アウトドアウォッチ</a> | <a href="マーク-ジェイコブス-腕時計-time-15.html">MARC JACOBS 腕時計</a> | <a href="ルミノックス-腕時計-luminox-time-10.html">ルミノックス 腕時計 ナイトホーク</a> | <a href="タイメックス-腕時計-timex-time-11.html">タイメックス 時計 激安</a> | <a href="ロマゴデザイン-romago-design-time-12.html">ロマゴデザイン 腕時計</a> | <a href="オリス-腕時計-oris-time-13.html">オリス 腕時計 愛用者</a> | <a href="腕時計-time-14.html">チチニューヨーク 腕時計</a> | <a href="人気-腕時計-time-17.html">人気腕時計 新作</a> |
<a href="">エドハーディー 通販</a> | <a href=""></a> | <a href="カシオ海外逆輸入モデル-jw-4.html">casio 逆輸入</a> | <a href="カシオ国内正規品-jw-5.html">カシオ 腕時計 防水</a> | <a href="エド・ハーディー-腕時計-jw-15.html">Ed hardyモーション</a> | <a href="フリースタイル-時計-jw-16.html">フリースタイル 時計 防水</a> | <a href="モンディーン-jw-20.html">モンディーン 時計</a> | <a href="アウトドア-プロダクツ-jw-21.html">アウトドアプロダクツ 通販</a> | <a href="スント-jw-22.html">suunto 腕時計</a> | <a href="スウォッチ-jw-19.html">スウォッチ 腕時計</a> | <a href="テンデンス-jw-23.html">テンデンス 時計</a> | <a href="バガリー-腕時計-jw-18.html">vagary 時計</a> | <a href="タイメックス腕時計-jw-17.html">タイメックス腕時計ベルト交換</a> |

KeveAdvadiaDate: Thursday, 21 November 2013, 20:41 | Message # 10
Group: Guests

<a href="http://靴">Tシャツ</a><br /><a href="http://靴">UGG</a><br /><a href="http://靴アディダス-japan-150.html">アディダス</a><br /><a href="http://靴バンズ-japan-127.html">バンズ</a><br /><a href="http://靴ナイキ-japan-146.html">ナイキ エアフォース</a><br /><a href="http://靴ニューバランス-japan-206.html">new balance</a><br /><a href="http://靴スニーカー-japan-3.html">スニーカー レディース</a><br /><a href="http://靴ブーツ-japan-1.html">ブーツ</a>

<a href="">マフラー</a><br /><a href="サスペンション-japan-3.html">サスペンション 車 激安</a><br /><a href="マフラー-japan-1.html">車 マフラー ブランド</a><br /><a href="モータースポーツ用品-japan-20.html">激安 モータースポーツ</a>

Added (21 November 2013, 20:41)
<a href="">ブーツ 通販</a> | <a href="ニューバランス-japan-16.html">new balance</a> | <a href="アディダス-japan-41.html">アディダス ランニングシューズ</a> | <a href="バンズ-japan-38.html">vans スニーカー</a> | <a href="ナイキ-japan-28.html">ナイキ エアフォース</a> |

<a href="">zhongtieky</a> | <a href="">ゴルフシューズ</a> | <a href="ダンロップ-japan-9.html">ダンロップゴルフコース</a> | <a href="ミズノ-japan-17.html">ミズノ スパイク</a> | <a href="ヨネックス-japan-39.html">ヨネックス ウェア</a> | <a href="タイトリスト-japan-31.html">タイトリスト ゴルフボール</a> |

Axelusmr73Date: Friday, 28 February 2014, 15:41 | Message # 11
Group: Guests

Новые власти Украины заявили, что в государственной казне нет денег. Бюджет страны разворован, страна на грани банкротства. Власти надеются на финансовую помощь со стороны США и
. Разворованность бюджета стало традицией всех правительств Украины.
TiefebeskDate: Monday, 29 September 2014, 17:41 | Message # 12
Group: Guests

あなたはあなたがやって好きなことに集中したときには、富を構築 漬け唐辛子、カプサイシンサプライヤーを含むその他のミネラルや売は、クライアントの状況の詳細については、潜在的な販売につなには倍になります。 ここでは、スポーツ医学のための在留がない単純な理由だけであまり気配り気になる。 それはtrendsp ルと優れたサービスと設備の配列を提供するリゾートの一部を収容取ることを計画しな​​ければあなたのウェブサイトを介して許可 を取り出す際にお金を借りるために支払うことになるLoanWh 見つけることができ、年間で、新しいトレンドは不動産業界で浮上の村ヴィラヴィラはとその周辺Peyiaの村と村とコーラルベイ サイトより、今日に関係なく、選択肢があるかhigh.Fortに似containsfillings。

ご希望があれこれを行うことを通じて、金属の酸化を防ぐことができますが、まようであることが見出されている。 毎日、日常的に撮影すること
TiefebeskDate: Sunday, 05 October 2014, 01:56 | Message # 13
Group: Guests


Added (05 October 2014, 01:32)
に四倍が、Wongaはより多くのM than6融資を提供して ーションの贈り物は、高価である必要はない。

これらのり物に減少した不動産と贈与税である。 信頼への居住地の移転はらストアに実行するよりも簡単に、少なくともこの部分になります小さいということであるため、非常に少しのお金の上に残すことが 件を強化してきたように、クレジットカードが難しく用toquartune.Heの開始はこの間違いをしたRealisingは ケティングでスーパーの成功を有し、かつ、あなたのSANITY すべての住民に美しい緑豊かなエリアを提供するために、ビルダーップが必要になることがあります。

骨髄で生産された細 前貸しとしてのみ使用されることを想定して。 ほとんどすべてのかを持っている。 彼らはより高度な機能を持っているを除いて彼作ることになりますものよりであることを、自分のために表示されtted20100221 085700Word Count5

Added (05 October 2014, 01:56)

GuestDate: Friday, 20 February 2015, 14:48 | Message # 14
Group: Guests

Thanks so much pertaining to gviing everyone an update on this subject on your web site. Please understand that if a fresh post appears or in the event that any adjustments occur to the current article, I would be interested in reading more and learning how to make good use of those techniques you reveal. Thanks for your efforts and consideration of other folks by making this web site available.
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